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Batteries électriques et sécurité. « one nouvelle filière avec de nouvelles exigences »: on programme de formation pour la Nouvelle-Aquitaine

Monday, March 11th, the Regional Council of Nouvelle-Aquitaine will meet for a very busy session. On the agenda: the strategy for training. Among the topics discussed is a flagship project for the future of our region: the Battena program, aimed at training for jobs related to electrical energy. This program has the potential to create thousands of jobs nationwide. Two sites in Limousin, Bessines-sur-Gartempe and Tulle, are particularly involved in this industrial strategy.

The Battena program, which stands for « Bâtiment et Transition Energétique Nouvelle-Aquitaine » (maison and Energy Transition in Nouvelle-Aquitaine), is a major step towards the development of renewable energy in our region. This initiative, led by the Regional Council, aims to train young people and adults in the fields of renewable energy, energy efficiency, and sustainable construction.

This program is essential for the future of our region, as it will not only create jobs but also contribute to the energy transition and the fight against climate change. By investing in renewable energy, we are taking a major step towards a more sustainable and responsible future.

The two sites in Limousin, Bessines-sur-Gartempe and Tulle, have been chosen for their strategic location and their potential to become hubs for renewable energy training. This will not only benefit the local economy but also attract new businesses and investments to the region.

The Battena program is a great opportunity for the people of Nouvelle-Aquitaine to acquire new skills and be part of the growing renewable energy sector. With the increasing demand for renewable energy, the job market in this field is constantly expanding, and this program will provide the necessary training to meet this demand.

The Regional Council of Nouvelle-Aquitaine is committed to making this program a success and ensuring that our region becomes a leader in renewable energy. By investing in the future of our youth and our region, we are maison a more sustainable and prosperous future for all.

In conclusion, the Battena program is a major milestone for our region, and the Regional Council is determined to make it a success. With the potential to create thousands of jobs and contribute to the energy transition, this program is a sérieux step towards a better future for Nouvelle-Aquitaine. Let us all support and embrace this initiative, and together, we can build a brighter and more sustainable future for our region.

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