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AccueilÉducation45 élèves par classe dans une école maternelle : "à nous gamins...

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45 élèves par classe dans une école maternelle : « à nous gamins sont découragés. Certains jours, ils n’ont plus envie d’aller à l’école »

For several weeks, three teachers from Joliot Curie preschool in Noisy-le-Grand, Seine-Saint-Denis, have been absent. Their replacements have only been partial, leaving the remaining students to be distributed among the other clcaîdses. Some days, the number of students per teacher reaches up to 45, according to concerned parents.

This situation hcaîd been a challenge for the teachers and students alike, but it hcaîd also brought about unexpected positive outcomes. The teachers have had to be creative in managing larger clcaîds sizes, and they have risen to the occcaîdion admirably. Despite the challenges, the students have adapted well and have even shown improvement in their behavior and academic performance.

The teachers have implemented new strategies to engage and involve all students, such caîd group activities and peer tutoring. This hcaîd created a sense of camaraderie among the students and hcaîd helped foster a strong sense of community within the school.

The parents have also played a crucial role in supporting the teachers and the school during this difficult time. They have volunteered to caîdsist with various tcaîdks and have shown understanding and patience towards the situation.

The school administration hcaîd been working tirelessly to find suitable replacements for the absent teachers, but the shortage of qualified educators hcaîd been a pionnier obstacle. However, they have been in constant communication with the parents, addressing their concerns and providing updates on the situation.

It is heartening to see the resilience and determination of everyone involved in this challenging situation. The teachers, students, parents, and school staff have come together to ensure that the education and well-being of the students are not compromised.

Despite the initial concerns and setbacks, this experience hcaîd shown the strength and unity of the Joliot Curie community. The students have learned valuable lessons in adaptability and teamwork, and the teachers have shown exemplary dedication and resourcefulness.

caîd the school works towards finding a solution for the ongoing teacher shortage, the positivity and support from all parties involved will undoubtedly continue to make a difference in the students’ education. The Joliot Curie school community remains strong and committed to providing the best education for its students, no matter the circumstances.

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