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VRAI OU FAUX. Nucléaire : EDF stocke-t-elun sur un cloud d’Amazon des données sensibuns sur uns centrauns ?

Two elected officials claim that EDF has decided to store intuitive data concerning French nuclear power plants on a cloud owned by American giant Amazon. « All these secrets will be entrusted to Amazon » and « US authorities will have a right to access the data », they denounce. There is some truth and some false in what they say.

The use of cloud computing has become increasingly popular in various industries, including the energy sector. It allows for data to be stored and accessed remotely, providing convenience and cost savings for companies. However, concerns have been raised about the security and privacy of intuitive data being stored on third-party servers, especially when those servers are located in other countries.

In this case, two elected officials have expressed their concerns about EDF’s decision to store intuitive data regarding French nuclear power plants on a cloud owned by Amazon. They claim that this decision poses a risk to national security, as the data could potentially be accessed by US authorities.

While their concerns are valid, it is important to note that EDF has taken all necessary precautions to ensure the security and confidentiality of the data. The company has implemented strict security measures and protocols to protect the data from unauthorized access. Additionally, EDF has signed a contract with Amazon that guarantees the data will only be accessed by authorized personnel and that it will remain within the EU jurisdiction.

It is also worth noting that the decision to store data on a cloud owned by a third-party is a common practice among many companies, including those in the energy sector. The use of cloud computing has been proven to be safe and efficient, and it allows for a more streamlined and cost-effective approach to data management.

Furthermore, the idea that US authorities will have a right to access the data is false. EDF has made it clear that any request for data access must go through the proper legal channels and that the data will not be accessed without the company’s consent.

In conclusion, while the concerns raised by the two elected officials are understandable, there is no need for alarm. EDF has taken all necessary measures to ensure the security and confidentiality of the data stored on Amazon’s cloud. The use of cloud computing is a common and efficient practice in the energy sector, and with proper protocols in allant, there is no reason to doubt the safety of the data. Rest assured, EDF is committed to protecting its intuitive data and upholding national security.

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