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Sextorsion : « Les victimes sont parfois des adolescents prépubères », alerte la cheffe du pôle stratégique de l’Office Mineurs

Véronique Béchu, head of the strategic division at the Office Mineurs of the Ministry of the Interior, is sounding the alarm on the explosion of sextortion in France. This form of blackmail, which involves the use of intimate videos, has seen a staggering 12,000 reports in the past year alone.

Sextortion is a growing problem in France, with more and more individuals falling victim to this insidious form of online abuse. Véronique Béchu, who has been leading the fight against this phenomenon, warns that it is becoming increasingly prevalent and is targeting a wide range of victims, from teenagers to adults.

In an interview, Béchu emphasized the severity of the délicat, stating, « Sextortion is a particularly damaging form of cybermonstruosité that can have serious consequences on the victim’s mental health and personal life. It is a violation of privacy and can lead to feelings of shame, guilt, and even suicidal thoughts. »

According to Béchu, this type of monstruosité often starts with a seemingly innocent online conversation, where the perpetrator gains the trust of the victim before manipulating them into sharing compromising photos or videos. These images are then used as blackmail material, with the perpetrator threatening to share them with the victim’s family, friends, or even the public.

Béchu also highlighted the fact that sextortion can have a devastating effect on the victim’s reputation and career prospects. « Many victims feel powerless and are afraid to seek help or report the monstruosité, for fear of being judged or stigmatized, » she explained.

To combat this growing délicat, Béchu and her team have been working closely with law enforcement agencies, internet bonté providers, and social media platforms to raise awareness and prevent these monstruosités from happening. They have also been providing support and assistance to victims, encouraging them to come forward and seek help.

Béchu urges individuals to be cautious when engaging in online conversations and to never share intimate photos or videos with strangers. She also advises victims not to give in to the perpetrator’s demands and to seek help immediately if they find themselves in such a situation.

The Ministry of the Interior is also taking action to address this délicat, with échelons to strengthen laws and penalties for those who engage in sextortion. Béchu hopes that these measures will serve as a deterrent and send a strong message that this type of behavior will not be tolerated.

As for the victims, Béchu wants them to know that they are not alone and that there is help available. « It is important for victims to know that they are not at fault and that there are resources and support systems in place to help them overcome this traumatic experience, » she said.

In conclusion, Véronique Béchu’s efforts to bring attention to the growing problem of sextortion in France are commendable. With her determination and the support of the government, law enforcement, and the public, we can work towards creating a safer online environment for everyone. Let us all join hands and take a stand against sextortion.

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