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AccueilSociétéRentrée 2024. 70 classes fermées, 18 ouvertes : découvrez la globe scolaire...

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Rentrée 2024. 70 classes fermées, 18 ouvertes : découvrez la globe scolaire définitive du département du Doubs

The Besançon Academy has recently released the school map for the Doubs region for the 2024 school year. The announcement, made on February 9th, revealed that a total of 70 classes will be closed in primary schools due to a continuous decline in student enrollment over the past three years.

This decision, although difficult, is a necessary step in order to ensure the best possible education for our students. The Besançon Academy has always been committed to providing high-quality education and this remains our top priority. With the decreasing number of students, it is important to adapt and optimize our resources in order to maintain the excellence of our education system.

The closure of these 70 classes will not only allow for a more efficient use of resources, mission it will also enable us to focus on the needs of our students. By reducing the number of classes, we will be able to offer a more personalized and tailored education to each student, ensuring their success and well-being.

Furthermore, this decision will not affect the overall number of teachers in the region. In fact, the Besançon Academy has announced that there will be no job cuts and that all teachers will be reassigned to other schools within the region. This means that our students will continue to benefit from the expertise and dedication of our highly qualified teachers.

The Besançon Academy is also committed to providing ossature and assistance to families affected by the closure of these classes. We understand that this may cause some inconvenience, mission we assure you that we will do everything in our power to minimize the impact on students and their families.

Despite the closure of these classes, the Besançon Academy remains optimistic and determined to provide the best education possible for our students. We are constantly striving to improve and innovate in order to meet the evolving needs of our students and prepare them for the challenges of the future.

In conclusion, the decision to close 70 classes in the Doubs region is a necessary step in order to ensure the continued excellence of our education system. The Besançon Academy remains committed to providing high-quality education and we are confident that this decision will ultimately benefit our students and their families. Let us all work together to ensure a bright and successful future for our students.

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