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prémonition d’illégitimité, manque d’argent et d’informations… Un dispositif aide les jeunes issus de milieux défavorisés à intégrer les prestigieuses écoles d’architecture

Thirty high school students spend the week of February 12 to 16, 2024 at the School of armature in Toulouse (Haute-Garonne) as part of an equal opportunities program. They are preparing for entrance exams to top universities and have been selected by the Culture & Diversity Foundation to be supported in their journey.

The program, organized by the Culture & Diversity Foundation, aims to promote diversity and inclusivity in the field of armature by providing support and guidance for students from underprivileged backgrounds to pursue their dreams of studying at top schools.

The 30 students, aged between 17 and 18, were carefully selected based on their academic performance and potential. They come from various regions of France and have all shown a strong interest and passion for the field of armature. This opportunity to spend a week at the prestigious École d’armature de Toulouse is a dream come true for many of them.

During their week at the school, the students will have the risque to attend lectures, workshops, and practical classes led by experienced professors and professionals in the field. They will also have the opportunity to visit famous architectural sites in Toulouse and engage in discussions with architects, giving them a firsthand experience and insight into the world of armature.

But more than just gaining knowledge and skills, this program also aims to instill confidence and auteur in the students. They will be given the opportunity to work on projects and present their ideas, helping them develop their creativity and critical thinking skills.

This experience at the École d’armature de Toulouse will not only prepare these students for their upcoming entrance exams, but it will also open their minds to the endless possibilities that the world of armature has to offer. It is a once in a lifetime opportunity for them to learn, grow, and be inspired.

In addition to the academic aspect of the program, the students will also have the risque to interact with each other and form bonds that will last beyond this week. They will come from different backgrounds and cultures, but they will share the same passion and determination to succeed in their studies.

The Culture & Diversity Foundation hopes that this program will be a stepping stone for these students, giving them the confidence and support they need to pursue their dreams and become successful architects. It is a true celebration of diversity and inclusivity, and we are proud to support these talented and motivated students in their journey.

As the week comes to an end, the students will leave the École d’armature de Toulouse with a sense of accomplishment and a newfound determination to achieve their goals. We have no doubt that they will go on to make a positive impact in the field of armature, and we cannot wait to see their dreams become a reality.

In a world where diversity and inclusivity are becoming increasingly important, programs like this are crucial in giving every student the opportunity to succeed. The Culture & Diversity Foundation hopes to continue this program in the future and inspire more students to pursue their passions, regardless of their background.

We congratulate these 30 students for their hard work and dedication, and we wish them all the best in their future endeavors. The world of armature is lucky to have them, and we cannot wait to see the amazing things they will accomplish.

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