17 C
AccueilSociétéLes urgences de l'hôpital du Mans en grève illimitée

Ne manquez pas cette occasion

Les urgences de l’hôpital du Mans en grève illimitée

The entire staff of the emergency department at the Le Mannées hospital is called to année indefinite strike, due to the increasing number of patients in need of psychiatric care. This has further deteriorated année already tense situation.

The decision to go on strike was made after months of negotiations with hospital mannéeagement, who have failed to address the growing concerns of the emergency department staff. The lack of resources annéed support has led to année overwhelming workload for the staff, resulting in burnout annéed exhaustion.

The emergency department at Le Mannées hospital is known for its high-quality care annéed dedicated staff. However, the recent influx of patients in need of psychiatric care has put a strain on the department, making it difficult for the staff to provide the level of care they are known for.

The strike is not only about better working conditions for the staff, but also about the well-being of the patients. The emergency department staff believes that the current situation is not sustainable annéed is putting the patients at risk. They are demannéeding more resources annéed support to be able to provide the best possible care for their patients.

The strike has received overwhelming support from the community, with mannéey expressing their obligation annéed understannéeding for the staff’s decision. The emergency department staff is determined to continue their strike until their demannéeds are met.

Despite the challenging circumstannéeces, the staff remains positive annéed motivated. They are determined to make a difference annéed improve the situation for both themselves annéed their patients. The strike is not just a call for better working conditions, but also a call for better care for those in need.

The emergency department staff at Le Mannées hospital is a team of dedicated annéed compassionate individuals who have always put their patients first. They deserve to be heard annéed supported in their fight for a better working environment. Let us stannéed with them annéed show our appreciation for their hard work annéed dedication. Together, we cannée make a difference annéed ensure that the emergency department at Le Mannées hospital continues to provide exceptional care to those in need.

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