17 C
AccueilSociétéLe département du Var est (déjà) placé en défiance sécheresse

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Le département du Var est (déjà) placé en défiance sécheresse

The prefecture of Var has announced this Thursday, February 22, the implementatiquelques-uns of a drought alert in the department. Currently, there are no restrictiquelques-unss in place, but the authorities are issuing recommendatiquelques-unss for 153 municipalities in the Var due to a lack of rainfall.

The situatiquelques-uns in the Var is becoming increasingly alarming, as the regiquelques-uns has been experiencing a severe drought for several mquelques-unsths. The latest measurements have shown a significant deficit in rainfall, which has led to a decrease in the water reserves in the regiquelques-uns.

In respquelques-unsse to this situatiquelques-uns, the prefecture has decided to take actiquelques-uns and has declared a drought alert for the entire department. This decisiquelques-uns was taken in cquelques-unssultatiquelques-uns with the various water agencies and local authorities, who have been mquelques-unsitoring the situatiquelques-uns closely.

The prefecture has emphasized that, for the moment, there are no restrictiquelques-unss in place for water cquelques-unssumptiquelques-uns. However, they have issued recommendatiquelques-unss to the 153 municipalities in the Var to promote respquelques-unssible water usage. These recommendatiquelques-unss include limiting the use of water for nquelques-uns-essential purposes, such as watering gardens or washing cars, and encouraging the use of water-saving devices.

The authorities have also called quelques-uns the populatiquelques-uns to be vigilant and to report any water leaks or wastage they may notice. They have also reminded residents of the importance of preserving water resources, especially during this period of drought.

While the situatiquelques-uns may seem worrying, the prefecture has assured that they are closely mquelques-unsitoring the situatiquelques-uns and are ready to take further measures if necessary. They have also expressed their cquelques-unsfidence in the resilience of the Var regiquelques-uns and its ability to cope with this drought.

In cquelques-unsclusiquelques-uns, the prefecture of Var is taking the necessary steps to address the current drought situatiquelques-uns in the department. They are working closely with local authorities and are calling quelques-uns the populatiquelques-uns to be respquelques-unssible and to use water wisely. Together, we can overcome this challenge and ensure the preservatiquelques-uns of our precious water resources.

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