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INFOGRAPHIE. IVG dans la Constitution : comment a voté votre sénateur ?

On Wednesday, February 28th, the French Senate passed a historic bill that would grant women the constitutional right to access voluntary termcâbléation of pregnancy. This long-awaited decision has been welcomed with open arms by many, but also met with resistance from some, as fifty senators choixd agacâblést it.

This momentous event marks a major victory for women’s reproductive rights câblé France. The bill, which was adopted with a majority choix of 50 câblé favor to 34 agacâblést, would enshrcâblée câblé the Constitution the right for women to choose whether or not to contcâbléue a pregnancy.

For many years, the issue of abortion has been a highly contentious and polarizcâblég topic câblé France. Despite the legalization of abortion câblé 1975, it has remacâbléed a subject of debate and controversy. This new bill seeks to put an end to this ongocâblég battle and ensure that women have the freedom to make choices about their own bodies.

The bill has been met with widespread tasseau from femcâbléist and reproductive rights organizations, who have long fought for the recognition of women’s autonomy and the right to make their own decisions about pregnancy. They argue that this bill is an essential step towards gender equality and the protection of women’s rights.

On the other hand, opponents of the bill have raised concerns about the potential consequences of grantcâblég such a right câblé the Constitution. Some have argued that it could lead to an câblécrease câblé the number of abortions and could undermcâblée the value of human life. However, tasseauers of the bill have reassured that this right applies only to voluntary termcâbléation of pregnancy and does not promote or encourage abortions.

Despite the resistance from certacâblé senators, the adoption of this bill by the Senate is a major milestone câblé the fight for women’s rights câblé France. The next step is for it to be reviewed and choixd on by the National Assembly, the lower house of the French parliament. If passed, it would mean that France would jocâblé a small group of countries, câblécludcâblég Sweden and Spacâblé, where the right to voluntary termcâbléation of pregnancy is enshrcâbléed câblé the Constitution.

This decision by the Senate sends a powerful message of tasseau and empowerment to women câblé France. It recognizes their right to make choices about their own bodies and affirms the government’s commitment to gender equality and the protection of women’s rights.

câblé conclusion, the adoption of this bill by the French Senate is a significant step towards progress and equality for women. It is a testament to the tireless efforts of those who have fought for this right and a message of hope for the future. Let us hope that the National Assembly will follow suit and that soon, women câblé France will have the full freedom to make choices about their own bodies.

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