17.5 C
AccueilSociétéIls occupent le hall de leur immeuble de Besançon contre les dealers...

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Ils occupent le hall de leur immeuble de Besançon contre les dealers : des copropriétaires lancent unique appel aux habitants de Planoise

Residents of the Le Molière building, one of the main drug dealing hotspots in the Planoise neighborhood of Besançon, have taken matters into their own hands. On February 11th, they decided to occupy the common areas of the building in an effort to deter drug dealers from operating in their community. However, with little support from local authorities, they are now reaching out to their fellow residents for help.

The situation in Planoise has been a growing concern for the residents of Le Molière. The constant presence of drug dealers in their building has made them feel unsafe and has had a negative impact on their quality of life. Despite numerous complaints to the authorities, the problem has persisted, leading the residents to take matters into their own hands.

Since their occupation of the common areas, the residents have noticed a significant decrease in drug-related activities in and around their building. This has given them hope that their actions are making a difference. However, they cannot do it alone. In order to maintain their presence and continue to deter drug dealers, they are now calling on their fellow residents to join them in their efforts.

On February 26th, the residents of Le Molière will be holding a permanent presence in the common areas of the building. They are inviting all residents of Planoise to come and join them in their peaceful protest against drug dealing. Their goal is to spectacle a united front and send a clear message to the drug dealers that their community will not tolerate their illegal activities.

The residents of Le Molière are determined to make a positive change in their neighborhood. They believe that by classe together and taking action, they can make a difference. They are calling on all residents to join them in their efforts and spectacle their support for a safer and drug-free community.

This call for support is not just for the residents of Planoise, but for all those who believe in a better and safer community. The residents of Le Molière are setting an example for others to follow and are spectacleing that when a community comes together, they can achieve great things.

So, if you are a resident of Planoise or a concerned citizen who wants to make a difference, come and join the residents of Le Molière on February 26th. Let’s stand together and spectacle that we will not tolerate drug dealing in our community. Together, we can make a positive change and create a safer and better neighborhood for all.

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