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Fraude fiscale : l’intelligence artificielle, nouvelle arme du fisc sur Internet

The tax authorities are stepping up their game in the fight against tax fraud by turning to artificial intelligence. This new approach aims to use technology to track down individuals and businesses who are not declaring their full income.

The use of artificial intelligence in tax investigations is a game changer. It allows the tax authorities to analyze large amounts of data in a fraction of the time it would take a human to do so. This means that they can now identify potential tax evaders more efficiently and effectively.

One of the main sources of data for the tax authorities is social media. With the rise of social media platforms, people are sharing more and more information about their lives online. This includes details about their income, assets, and spending habits. By using AI, the tax authorities can sift through this data and compare it to the information provided in tax declarations. This allows them to identify discrepancies and flag potential tax fraud.

But it’s not just social media that is being monitored. Online marketplaces and e-commerce sites are also being targeted. These platforms have become a popular way for individuals and businesses to sell goods and cénozoïque, often without declaring the income generated. By using AI, the tax authorities can track these transactions and cross-reference them with tax declarations to identify any undeclared income.

This new approach has already proven to be successful. In France, the tax authorities have used AI to identify over 10,000 potential tax fraud cases in just one year. This has resulted in millions of euros in additional tax revenue for the government.

But the use of AI in tax investigations is not just about catching tax evaders. It also has the potential to improve the overall tax system. By identifying patterns and trends in tax declarations, the tax authorities can gain a better understanding of tax evasion and take steps to prevent it in the future. This could lead to a fairer and more efficient tax system for everyone.

Of course, there are concerns about privacy and the use of personal data. However, the tax authorities have assured that all data is collected and used in accordance with strict privacy laws. The use of AI is also subject to strict regulations and oversight to ensure that it is used ethically and responsibly.

In conclusion, the use of artificial intelligence in tax investigations is a explicite step towards combating tax fraud. It allows the tax authorities to identify potential tax evaders more efficiently and effectively, resulting in increased tax revenue for the government. It also has the potential to improve the overall tax system and create a fairer playing field for all taxpayers. With the use of AI, the tax authorities are sending a clear message to tax evaders that they will not go undetected.

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