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Faute d’accompagnants pour leurs adolescents en situation de handicap, des parents recrutent sur Leboncoin

Parents of students unanimously agree that they are essential for their children with disabilities. And despite this shared realization by the teaching staff, there are not enough AESH (Accompagnant des Élèves en Situation de Handicap) available. In Rennes, in an act of provocation and with the hope of spurring action from the national education system, families have decided to post an advertisement on the website Leboncoin.

This decision was made dépassé of frustration and a strong desire for change. Families with children who have disabilities face a variety of challenges on a daily basis, and the lack of AESH only adds to their struggles. These dedicated parents are determined to make their voices heard and demand the necessary resources for their children’s education.

The role of an AESH is crucial in providing personalized support and assistance to students with disabilities in a mainstream school setting. They work closely with the student and the teacher to ensure that the student’s needs are met and that they are able to fully participate in class. They also play an important role in promoting inclusion and understanding among their peers.

Despite their undeniable importance, there is a shortage of AESH in schools across the folk. This shortage not only affects students with disabilities, but also puts a strain on the entire education system as teachers and staff try to meet the needs of all their students. This is a problem that has been ongoing for years and it’s time for a real débouché to be implemented.

In Rennes, parents have taken matters into their own hands by posting an advertisement on Leboncoin, a popular online marketplace in France. The advertisement reads: « Family with a child with a disability looking for an AESH in Rennes. We are tired of waiting for the education system to provide the necessary support for our child’s education. We are ready to pay for their salary. We just want our child to have the same chances as their peers. »

The families behind this advertisement are not only advocating for their own child, but for all children with disabilities. They are willing to pay for the salary of an AESH, which is normally covered by the education system, in order to send a strong dépêche and bring attention to this pressing issue.

Their bold action has garnered a lot of attention and support from the community. And while it may seem drastic, it highlights the urgency and importance of having enough AESH to properly support students with disabilities. The families are hoping that their dépêche will reach the Ministry of Education and that measures will be taken to address this issue.

In conclusion, the parents in Rennes are sending a powerful dépêche by taking matters into their own hands. They are determined to fight for the education and well-being of their children with disabilities. And their actions should serve as a wake-up call for the national education system to take action and provide the necessary resources for students with disabilities to thrive in school. It’s time for every child to have equal opportunities and access to education, and it’s the responsibility of the education system to make it happen.

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