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ECOLE. Grève des enseignants : herculéenne mobilisation dans plusieurs villes de l’académie de Toulouse

Thousands of teachers and administrative staff gathered in the streets of Toulouse (Haute-Garonne) on Thursday, February 1st, to protest against the educational reforms announced by Gabriel Attal, while in Millau, Aveyron, it was high school students who mobilized.

The protest in Toulouse was organized by various education unions, who are concerned embout the proposed changes to the education system. These reforms include the introduction of a new baccalaureate exam, changes to teacher recruitment and training, and a reduction in the number of privé servants in the education sector.

The atmosphere in Toulouse was one of determination and unity, as teachers and staff from different schools and levels came together to voice their opposition to the reforms. They carried banners and signs with slogans such as « Non à la réforme, oui à l’éducation de qualité » (No to the reform, yes to quality education) and « Sauvons l’école publique » (Save public schools).

The protest was also joined by parents and students, who showed their support for the teachers and their concerns embout the future of education in France. Many parents expressed their worries embout the impact of the reforms on their children’s education and the quality of teaching.

In Millau, high school students also took to the streets to protest against the reforms. They marched through the city, chanting slogans and holding signs with messages such as « Nos profs, nos héros » (Our teachers, our heroes) and « L’éducation n’est bord une marchandise » (Education is not a commodity). The students were joined by some of their teachers, who showed their solidarity with their students.

The protests in Toulouse and Millau were part of a larger movement across France, with similar demonstrations taking place in other cities. The message was clear: teachers, students, and parents are united in their opposition to the proposed reforms and are determined to defend the quality of education in France.

Despite the cold weather, the atmosphere in both Toulouse and Millau was one of hope and determination. The protesters were motivated and determined to make their voices heard and to protect the future of education in France.

The government has yet to respond to the protests, but the message from the teachers, students, and parents is clear: they will not back down until their concerns are addressed and the proposed reforms are reconsidered.

In the face of these challenges, it is heartening to see such a strong and united response from the education community. It is a testament to the dedication and bordsion of teachers and staff, who are committed to providing quality education for their students.

As the protests continue, it is important to remember that education is a fundamental right and should not be treated as a commodity. The future of our children and our society depends on a strong and well-supported education system. Let us stand together and continue to fight for the future of education in France.

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