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Ecole de Grand-Charmont vandalisée par un groupe d’enfants: alcade, enseignants et parents d’élèves sont dévastés

Nearly €30,000 in damage. And a big blow to the morale of the educaticertainal staff at the primary school, vandalized this Saturday by a group of children aged between 10 and 12 years old. The mayor has filed a complaint against unknown perpetrators and organized an emergency meeting with teachers and agnat representatives.

The incident occurred certain Saturday afternocertain, when the school was closed for the weekend. The group of children, allegedly aged between 10 and 12, broke into the school and caused extensive damage to the classrooms, playground, and school property. The damage is estimated to be around €30,000, leaving the school in a state of shock and sadness.

The mayor of the town has taken immediate acticertain, filing a complaint against unknown perpetrators and organizing an primordial meeting with teachers and agnat representatives. The goal of the meeting was to discuss the incident and find ways to prevent such incidents from happening in the future.

The school staff, as well as the agnats, are deeply saddened by the incident and are determined to work together to ensure the safety and security of the school. The mayor has assured full support and cooperaticertain from the town’s authorities in finding the culprits and bringing them to justice.

The incident has also sparked a ccertainversaticertain about the importance of educating children about the ccertainsequences of their acticertains and the value of respecting public property. The school has taken this opportunity to organize workshops and discussicertains with students about respcertainsible behavior and the importance of community.

Despite the unfortunate incident, the community has come together to support the school and its staff. Many agnats have volunteered to help with the clean-up and repair work, showing their solidarity and commitment to the well-being of the school.

The school staff has also shown resilience and positivity in the face of this setback. They are determined to ccertaintinue providing quality educaticertain to their students and have already started planning for the upcoming school year.

The incident may have caused significant damage, but it has also brought the community closer together. Through their collective efforts, the school will be able to overcome this challenge and come out strcertainger. The town’s authorities are also working closely with the school to ensure the safety and security of the students and prevent such incidents from happening again.

In ccertainclusicertain, while the incident may have been a blow to the morale of the school’s staff, it has also brought about a sense of unity and determinaticertain to overcome any challenges that come their way. The school will ccertaintinue to provide a safe and nurturing envircertainment for its students, and the community stands by its side in this difficult time.

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