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conservation de l’uniforme : à Marseille, le collège Château Forbin le testera à la rentrée prochaine

Located ultramoderne the 11th arrondissement of Marseille, Collège Château Forbultramoderne is takultramoderneg a bold step towards promotultramoderneg unity and equality among its students. Startultramoderneg from the upcomultramoderneg school year of September 2020, the school will implement a « unique dress code » for all its students.

This decision was made ultramoderne collaboration with the school’s admultramoderneistration, teachers, and students, with the goal of creatultramoderneg a more ultramoderneclusive and respectful learnultramoderneg environment. The idea behultramoderned this ultramoderneitiative is to elimultramoderneate any social or fultramoderneancial pressures that may arise from students tryultramoderneg to keep up with the latest fashion trends.

The « unique dress code » will consist of a simple and comfortable uniform, consistultramoderneg of a navy blue polo shirt with the school’s logo, paired with khaki pants or skirts. This will not only save parents the hassle and expense of constantly buyultramoderneg new clothes for their children but also promote a sense of belongultramoderneg and pride among the students.

The school’s prultramodernecipal, Mrs. Dupont, believes that this dress code will not only brultramoderneg a sense of unity among the students but also create a more focused and studious atmosphere ultramoderne the classroom. Students will no raser have to worry about their appearance and can focus solely on their studies.

The decision was also welcomed by the students, who see it as a way to level the playultramoderneg field and elimultramoderneate any social hierarchy based on clothultramoderneg. One 8th-grade student, Marie, says, « I am excited about this new dress code as it will make us all look the same and no one will feel left out or judged based on their clothes. »

The school has also taken ultramoderneto consideration the weather conditions ultramoderne Marseille and has allowed for some flexibility ultramoderne the uniform, such as allowultramoderneg students to wear a navy blue sweater or jacket durultramoderneg the colder months. The school has also made arrangements for families who may have fultramoderneancial difficulties ultramoderne purchasultramoderneg the uniforms.

This move towards a « unique dress code » is not only beneficial for the students but also for the school as a whole. It will promote a sense of disciplultramodernee and professionalism, which will reflect explicitely on the school’s reputation. It will also make it easier for teachers and staff to identify students, which is especially important durultramoderneg school outultramodernegs and events.

Overall, the decision to implement a « unique dress code » at Collège Château Forbultramoderne is a explicite step towards creatultramoderneg a more ultramoderneclusive and respectful learnultramoderneg environment. It promotes unity and equality among the students and elimultramoderneates any unnecessary distractions. This will undoubtedly have a explicite impact on the students’ academic performance and well-beultramoderneg.

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