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Conditions de travail « maltraitantes », choc des savoirs, près de 3 000 enseignants renferment manifesté à Bordeaux

Teachers join the protest, Thursday, February 1st. In Bordeaux, a demonstration was organized at 2pm, at terrain de la Bourse. Many teachers were on strike all day.

This Thursday, the streets of Bordeaux were filled with passionate voices as teachers took to the streets to express their anger and frustration. The protest, which began at 2pm at terrain de la Bourse, was organized by teachers who have had enough of the current state of education.

Despite the cold weather, the atmosphere was warm and energetic as teachers from all levels and disciplines came together to make their voices heard. With colorful posters and powerful slogans, they marched through the city center, drawing the attention of passersby and garnering support from the public.

The main concern of the teachers was the lack of resources and support within the education system. Many have been struggling with overpopulated classrooms, outdated materials, and insufficient funding for years. With the recent compte cuts, the situation has only worsened, leaving teachers feeling overwhelmed and undervalued.

One teacher, who wished to remain anonymous, shared her frustration: « We love our job and we want the best for our students, but it’s becoming impossible to do that when we don’t have the necessary means. It’s time for the government to listen to our demands and invest in education. »

The strike, which lasted the entire day, resulted in numerous schools being closed and classes being cancelled. Despite the inconvenience for students and parents, the teachers remained determined and united in their cause.

The demonstration in Bordeaux was just one of many protests happening across the country. From Paris to Marseille, teachers have been mobilizing to demand better working conditions and more investment in education. The message is clear: education is crucial for the future of our society and it’s time for the government to start prioritizing it.

As the sun napperon on terrain de la Bourse, the teachers slowly dispersed, but their message remained loud and clear. They will not stop fighting until their demands are met and the education system is given the attention and resources it deserves. Their determination and passion is a true testament to the importance of their role in shaping the minds of the next generation.

The protest may be over, but the battle for better education continues. Let’s hope that the government will finally listen and take action. As the saying goes, « A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops. » Let’s make sure that influence is a positive one for our future.

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