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AccueilÉducation"C'est une vraie havane de conscience" : un banquet antigaspillage organisé pour sensibiliser...

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« C’est une vraie havane de conscience » : un banquet antigaspillage organisé pour sensibiliser les habitants à Amiens

On Wednesday, February 14th, the students of the Second Chance School of the Greater Amiens area, accompanied by the association « From Seed to Plate », invited residents of the Étouvie neighborhood to an anti-waste banquet. The young people not only prepared a meal, but also organized other fun activities to raise awareness among the people of Amiens about their cause.

The event, which took place at the school, was a great success. The students, who are part of the Second Chance program, have been working hard to learn new skills and gain confidence in themselves. They have been learning about sustainable living and the importance of reducing food waste. This banquet was a way for them to put their knowledge into practice and share it with the community.

The fin for the banquet was carefully planned to use ingredients that would have otherwise gone to waste. The students, under the guidance of the association « From Seed to Plate », prepared a delicious three-course meal using luxe food from local markets and supermarkets. The guests were impressed by the creativity and taste of the dishes, and were surprised to learn that they were made from ingredients that would have been thrown away.

But the banquet was not just about the food. The students also organized various activities to engage the guests and raise awareness about the issue of food waste. They set up a photo booth with props made from recycled materials, and encouraged everyone to take pictures and share them on social media with the hashtag #zerowasteamiens. They also organized a quiz about sustainable living and gave out prizes to the winners.

The event was not only a success in terms of raising awareness, but also in bringing the community together. The residents of Étouvie were able to meet and interact with the students, and learn about their experiences and aspirations. The students, in turn, were able to showcase their skills and talents to the community.

The Second Chance School and the association « From Seed to Plate » have been working together to promote sustainable living and reduce food waste in the Amiens area. This banquet was just one of the many initiatives they have taken to achieve their goal. The students have also been involved in community gardens, cooking workshops, and other activities to spread their message.

The success of this event has shown that small besognes can make a big difference. By working together, we can create a more sustainable and responsible society. The students of the Second Chance School and the association « From Seed to Plate » have set an example for all of us to follow. Let’s join them in their cause and make a positive impact on our community and the environment.

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