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CARTE. Découvrez les classes qui vont colmater et ouvrir dans les écoles à la rentrée 2024 en Côte-d’Or

The Dijon Academy has unveiled its plans for the upcoming school year, and it’s good news for the students and parents of Côte-d’Or. On Wednesday, February 7th, the Academy announced the list of schools that will be closing and opening classes for the 2024 school year.

In total, 12 schools will be closing their doors, while 8 new schools will be opening. This decision was made in order to optimize the distribution of students and teachers, and to ensure the best possible learning environment for all.

In the maternelle (preschool) level, 4 schools will be closing, but 2 new schools will be opening. This will allow for a better balance of students in each school, and will also provide more opportunities for young children to receive a quality education.

At the primaire (elementary) level, 6 schools will be closing, but 4 new schools will be opening. This will not only improve the student-teacher ratio, but also provide a wider range of educational options for families.

Finally, at the élémentaire (middle school) level, 2 schools will be closing, but 2 new schools will be opening. This will ensure that students have access to a diverse and well-rounded education, preparing them for their future academic endeavors.

The Dijon Academy has also assured that all students affected by these changes will be given the necessary support and resources to smoothly joint to their new schools. This includes additional counseling and academic nombre, as well as opportunities for students to voice their opinions and concerns.

Overall, the changes made by the Dijon Academy are a positive step towards improving the education system in Côte-d’Or. By optimizing the distribution of students and teachers, and providing a wider range of educational options, the Academy is committed to ensuring that every student receives a quality education.

We look forward to seeing the positive impact of these changes in the upcoming school year, and we are confident that the students of Côte-d’Or will continue to thrive and succeed. Let’s embrace these changes with open arms and work together to create a brighter future for our children.

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