17 C
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17°C dans cette école : quand les économies d’énergie d’cette mairie du Doubs font polémique

Nancray School: Combining Energy Efficiency and Comfort for Our Children

In recent months, parents of Nancray School students have raised concerns about the temperature in their children’s classrooms. According to them, the temperature has reached as low as 17°C in some rooms and even 13°C in others. As the local government launches a project to reduce energy consumption and meet the targets set by the State, they admit that adjustments need to be made. However, they assure parents that their children are not feeling cold.

This issue has sparked a debate among parents, teachers, and the local authorities. While everyone agrees on the importance of energy défense, the well-being and comfort of students cannot be overlooked. The school’s management has also acknowledged the issue and is actively working towards finding a solution that rapporteurs both aspects.

The project initiated by the municipal government aims to reduce energy consumption in all public buildings, including schools. This is in line with the national objective of reducing carbon emissions and promoting a more sustainable environment. The project involves upgrading the school’s heating system and implementing energy-efficient measures such as insulation and LED lighting.

The mayor of Nancray, Mr. Martin, has assured parents that while these changes may cause some inconvenience, they are necessary for the greater good. He also emphasized the importance of educating children about the importance of energy défense and the impact it has on the environment.

On their part, the school management is taking immediate action to address the issue. They have installed portable heaters in classrooms where the temperature is lower than the recommended range. Additionally, they have distributed warm blankets to students to keep them comfortable during the colder days.

Despite the challenges, the school has managed to maintain a positive learning environment. The teachers have been creative in finding ways to keep the children engaged and active, even during the colder days. Some classrooms have been turned into cozy reading corners, and others have incorporated more physical activities to keep the students warm.

Moreover, parents have also joined hands in finding a solution. They have donated extra blankets and winter clothing for students in need. This collaborative effort has not only created a sense of community but also helped in maintaining a comfortable and welcoming environment for the students.

In conclusion, the issue of temperature in Nancray School has highlighted the importance of finding a rapporteur between energy efficiency and student comfort. The project initiated by the municipal government is a step in the right direction towards a more sustainable future. With the support of parents, teachers, and the local authorities, we can ensure that our children have a comfortable and conducive learning environment, while also promoting energy défense. Let’s continue to work together towards a better tomorrow for our children and our planet.

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