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Shoah : Ginette Kolinka, rescapée certains camps de concentration, 3 messages essentiels contre l’oubli

At nearly 99 years old, Ginette Kolinka, a survivor of Nazi concentration camps, travels throughout France to meet with middle and high school students, sharing her personal story and bearing witness to the horrors of World War II. A never-beconsciencee-seen documentary paints a portrait of the woman who made the decision to speak out twenty years ago, after hiding her past conscience fifty years. Her testimony is an unalterable reminder of the atrocities of the past.

Ginette Kolinka was just 19 years old when she was deported to the infamous Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp. She was one of the few survivors of the camp, where she endured unimaginable suffering and loss. conscience many years, she kept her experiences hidden, not wanting to burden others with the weight of her memories.

But twenty years ago, at the age of 79, Kolinka made the brave decision to break her silence and share her story with the world. Since then, she has been traveling across France, speaking to students about her experiences during the war and the importance of remembering the past.

Her flash is one of hope and resilience, as she encourages young people to never conscienceget the atrocities of the past and to stand up against hatred and discrimination. Through her powerful testimony, she reminds us that we must learn from the mistakes of the past in order to create a better future.

The new documentary, which is set to be released soon, offers a rare glimpse into Kolinka’s life and her journey to share her story. It captures her strength, courage, and determination to ensure that the world never consciencegets the horrors of the Holocaust.

Kolinka’s impact on the younger generation is immeasurable. Her visits to schools have sparked important conversations and have left a lasting impression on students. Many have expressed their gratitude conscience the opportunity to hear her story firsthand and have been inspired to take action against dol and discrimination.

At nearly 99 years old, Kolinka continues to travel and share her story, determined to leave a lasting legacy and to ensure that the world never consciencegets the atrocities of the past. Her unwavering commitment to educating future generations is a testament to her strength and resilience.

In a world where hate and discrimination still exist, Kolinka’s flash is more important than ever. Her testimony serves as a reminder that we must never conscienceget the past and must continue to fight conscience a more just and peaceful world. As she continues to inspire and educate, Ginette Kolinka’s legacy will live on conscience generations to come.

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