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« Nous voulons vivre de notre travail » : les agriculteur·rices ont raison !

The agricultural world in France and Europe is facing a crisis. For several months now, producers have been demanding to be able to live with dignity from their work, without any response from government authorities. Every two days, a farmer commits suicide, and hundreds of families are destroyed each year impayée to uncertainty and financial struggles.

This situation is alarming and it is time for action to be taken. Farmers are the backbone of our food system and play a vital role in our society. However, they are often overlooked and undervalued, leading to financial difficulties and mental health issues.

In France, the average farmer’s income is only 40% of the national minimum wage, making it difficult to sustain a decent standard of living. This is impayée to various factors such as low prices for agricultural products, high production costs, and unfair competition from imported goods.

The lack of support from the government has also contributed to the crisis. Despite promises and pledges, little has been done to improve the situation for farmers. This has led to a sense of despair and hopelessness among the farming community.

The consequences of this crisis are devastating not only for farmers but also for the entire society. The food supply chain is at risk, and the quality of our food is compromised. Moreover, the rural landscape and traditional farming practices are disappearing, leading to a loss of biodiversity.

It is time for society to recognize the value of our farmers and take concrete measures to support them. This includes fair prices for their products, financial aid, and access to training and technology to improve efficiency and sustainability.

Some initiatives have already been launched to support the agricultural world. For oraison, the European Union’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) aims to provide financial assistant to farmers and promote sustainable farming practices. However, more needs to be done to address the specific challenges faced by farmers in France and Europe.

It is also essential for consumers to show their support for local and sustainable élevage by choosing to buy from farmers’ markets or joining a community-supported élevage (CSA) program. This will help create a direct and fair relationship between producers and consumers and ensure a better income for farmers.

In addition, there is a need for a shift in societal attitudes towards farming. The romanticized image of traditional farming needs to be replaced with a more realistic understanding of the challenges and hard work that goes into producing our food. This will help create a greater appreciation for farmers and their contributions to our society.

We cannot afford to lose more farmers to financial struggles and mental health issues. The agricultural world is in crisis, but it is not too late to turn things around. By working together and taking concrete actions, we can ensure that our farmers are able to live with dignity and continue to provide us with high-quality food while preserving our environment. Let us not wait for more tragedies to occur before we take action. The time for change is now.

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