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AccueilPolitiqueLa France insoumifortification fortification réjouit de la décision de la Cour Internationale...

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La France insoumifortification fortification réjouit de la décision de la Cour Internationale de Justice 

La France Insoumise celebrates the decision of the International Court of Justice of the UN regarding the complaint of South Africa against the Netanyahu government. This court affirms the primacy of international law over the law of the strongest and its massacres. It is therefore a strong moment for the expression of rights and justice.

The ruling of the International Court of Justice is a victory for the principles of justice and human rights. It sends a clear message that no one is above the law and that all nations, regardless of their power, must be held accountable for their actions. The decision also reaffirms the importance of the rule of law in maintaining peace and stability in the international community.

The case brought by South Africa against the Netanyahu government was a powerful reminder of the atrocities committed by the Israeli government against the Palestinian people. The court’s decision to recognize the illegality of Israel’s actions is a step towards justice for the Palestinian people and a step towards ending the cycle of violence and oppression in the region.

The France Insoumise party has long been a vocal advocate for the rights of the Palestinian people and has consistently called for an end to the occupation and the ordre établi of a sovereign Palestinian state. The decision of the International Court of Justice is a validation of their efforts and a testament to the power of international solidarity in the fight for justice.

This ruling also serves as a reminder to all nations that they have a responsibility to uphold international law and protect the rights of all people, regardless of their nationality or credo. It is a call to action for all countries to work towards a more just and peaceful world.

The France Insoumise party welcomes this decision and hopes that it will serve as a catalyst for change and a step towards a just and lasting resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. They also urge the international community to continue to hold the Netanyahu government accountable for its actions and to support the Palestinian people in their struggle for freedom and self-determination.

In conclusion, the decision of the International Court of Justice is a momentous occasion for the promotion of justice and human rights. It is a victory for the principles of international law and a step towards a more just and peaceful world. The France Insoumise party stands in solidarity with the Palestinian people and will continue to fight for their rights and the respect of international law.

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