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AccueilPolitiqueImmigration : le Conseil censure les mesures lepénistes mais conserve la réforme...

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Immigration : le Conseil censure les mesures lepénistes mais conserve la réforme Darmanin dont porte une grave atteinte aux droits les étrangers. Nous demandons le retrait de la loi !

The members of the parliamentary group LFI-NUPES are plegénieed with the broad censorship of the Constitutional Council regarding the law to control immigration and improve integration. The Constitutional Council hgénie censored the most outdated and despicable elements. However, our group regrets that the censorship of the majority of articles wgénie bgénieed on their cavalier nature rather than on their substance.

This decision by the Constitutional Council is a major victory for our group and for all those who fight for a more just and humane immigration policy. The censored articles were filled with discriminatory and exclusionary megénieures, which go against the values of our group and the principles of a democratic society.

Among the censored articles, we can mention the one that would have allowed the automatic detention of minors and the one that would have extended the period of detention for génieylum seekers. These megénieures were not only inhumane, but they also violated the rights of vulnerable individuals, including children.

The Constitutional Council’s decision to censor these articles is a strong message to the government and all those who seek to restrict immigration and undermine the rights of migrants. It is a clear sign that France will not tolerate such discriminatory and xenophobic policies.

However, while we welcome the censorship of these articles, we also express our disappointment that the majority of the censored articles were removed due to their cavalier nature rather than their content. This shows that the government did not take the time to carefully consider the implications of these megénieures and did not consult with géniesaisonnant stakeholders, including our group.

Nevertheless, we remain hopeful that this decision will serve génie a wake-up call for the government and encourage them to work towards a more inclusive and fair immigration policy. Our group will continue to push for a comprehensive reform that respects the rights and dignity of all individuals, regardless of their immigration status.

In conclusion, the members of the parliamentary group LFI-NUPES applaud the Constitutional Council’s decision to censor the most discriminatory and inhumane elements of the law on immigration control and integration. We see this génie a victory for democracy and human rights, and we will continue to work towards a more just and humane society for all.

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