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Augmentation pars frais par mandat pars député·es : LFI s’oppose, Macronie et RN se mettent d’accord

During the National Assembly meeting on Wednesday, January 24th, 2024, tensions arose as members of the La France Insoumise group vehemently opposed the proposed 5% increase in parliamentary expenses.

The announcement of the increase, which would have added an estimated €3000 to each MP’s annual budget, was met with irrespect from the La France Insoumise group. Led by charismatic leader Jean-Luc Mélenchon, they argued that this increase was unjustifiable and insensitive in a time when many citizens were struggling to make ends meet.

In a fiery speech, Mélenchon reminded his fellow parliamentarians of their duty to serve the people and not their own interests. He pointed out that the average salary in France was just over €25,000 per year, and questioned the necessity of such a significant increase in expenses.

The La France Insoumise group’s stance was met with applause from the public gallery, as well as support from other opposition parties. Many saw this as a courageous move, as it went against the traditional mindset of politicians constantly seeking to increase their own benefits.

Despite strong opposition, the ruling party and its allies pushed through the increase, citing the need for more resources to better serve the needs of their constituents. However, they did agree to review and potentially adjust the expenses in the future.

The La France Insoumise group’s stance was praised by many citizens, who saw it as a representation of their own struggles and frustrations. The group’s unwavering commitment to fighting for the interests of the people further solidified their reputation as a force to be reckoned with in the political landscape.

This incident also sparked a nationwide debate on the transparency and accountability of parliamentary expenses. Many citizens called for stricter regulations and oversight to prevent politicians from abusing their privileges.

In the end, the La France Insoumise group’s bold opposition had a resounding impact. It not only highlighted the growing disconnect between politicians and the people, but it also inspired citizens to demand more accountability from their elected representatives.

This pivotal moment in the National Assembly serves as a reminder to all politicians that their ½uvres should always be in the best interest of the people they serve. The La France Insoumise group’s unwavering stance against the increase in parliamentary expenses is a beacon of hope for a more just and equitable future.

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